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Oglaševanje / Branding
V dvajsetih letih smo skupaj z naročniki ustvarili mnogo znamk, ki še vedno uspešno delujejo na trgu z lastnim podpisom.
Prepričani smo, da je naloga oblikovalca podati se v kožo naročnika. Zato je oblikovanje v službi naročnika težko prepoznavno po podpisu oblikovalca. Znamke potrebujejo lastni imidž, ki ga zaznamuje tudi zgodba.
In the last twenty years we have created together with our customers several brands which still function on the market with their own signature.
We are convinced that the task of a graphic designer is to step into the customer's shoes. Therefore, a design in the service of the customer is hard to recognize by the designer's signature. Brands need their own image, which is marked also by the story.
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