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Pozdravljeni na najini strani, naju veseli, da ste prišli tako daleč, da berete tudi ta del, kjer naj bi napisala nekaj o sebi, kar je dosti težje kot predstaviti dela... 

..v glavnem, skupaj ustvarjava dve dobri desetljetji in med tem sva ustvarila tudi družino, ki jo krasita dve krasni dekleti in en pes;)

Umetnost je del naše družine, kar pomeni da se kopljemo v knjigah, povsod so svinčniki, barvice, papirji, fotoaparati, stojala in polno DVD-jev in seveda računalnikov.

Živimo v hiši, ki smo jo spremenili v atelje in studio sredi narave, kjer radi posedamo na vrtu obdani z zvoki reke in ptic ter vonjem dehtečega vrta, poletí, pozimi se grejemo ob ognju in ustvarjamo.

Hello and welcome to our website. We are happy that you have come so far to read the part where we write about ourselves which is much harder than presenting our work.

So, we have been creating together for over two decades and in between we have created a family with two wonderful girls and one dog:)

Art is a part of our family which means that we are surrounded by books, pencils, crayons, sheets of paper, cameras, stands, DVDs and of course computers.

We live in a house which has become our studio in the middle of nature. In summer we like to sit in the garden surrounded by the sounds of the river and birds and the smell of the bursting garden plants and in winter we warm ourselves at the fireplace and create.

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